It’s been a busy few months for A.E.E.C.L Lemur Consortium who are working hard to advance the understanding and conservation of Madagascar’s lemurs through scientific research, captive propagation, and protection of their natural habitats.

On the 1st May, the continuation of the reforestation event took place. The event is aimed at the maintenance of the young plants that A.E.E.C.L’s team have already planted. These plants were checked over and watered and the area around them was tidied to help with the tree growth.
The biodiversity annual event was organised on the 24th May. Located in Anjiabory, this event had a celebration lunch, information stands, speeches by the authorities in attendance and networking with the NGOs who work in the Sofia region. A.E.E.C.L donated to support the celebration.
Between the 10th June and 20th July 2024, a Master’s research student, supported by A.E.E.C.L, studied at various locations throughout the area, looking at ‘assessing the potential for soil restoration in rice paddies in the Sahamalaza region, using soil tests and social science.’ The A.E.E.C.L helped the student to organise her research permit, organised a Malagasy student to assist her and supported her with the logistics of travel in the area and the actual collection of data to be able to complete her research in the time she spent in the Sahamalaza area.

In June, the A.E.E.C.L hosted another day of road repairs. This event had 178 people attend from four villages and approximately 17km of road was either fixed or newly created. Most of the worst sections were fixed and A.E.E.C.L provided food for the event.
The A.E.E.C.L Programme Director met with the 78 teachers in June that are financially supported by the A.E.E.C.L to work. By subsidizing their salaries, the A.E.E.C.L can improve the educational programmes of the local communities.