Art / Media / Design Students
If you are completing coursework at Colchester Zoo, you can book discounted education tickets to visit by completing the Location Booking Form and returning it via email to
Be aware, processing booking requests can take up to 5 working days, so please submit this form in well in advance of your propsed visit date.
Please fill in the form with as much detail as possible to allow us to assess your request
A 30-minute interview with a relevant staff member can be arranged if required for your coursework. This is bookable on the form. If you are requesting this, please submit a copy of your interview questions along with the form via email to
Biofact Resources

If arranged in advance, access to our educational teaching animal biofact collection (e.g. furs, feathers, skulls, etc.) can booked to take place during your visit. This collection contains real objects from customs confiscations, and other similar sources. These objects are held by Colchester Zoo in order to education people about these animals and the illegal wildlife trade.
To request viewing access to this collection, please complete the relevant section on the booking form including as much detail as possible about what you would like to view and the rationale for this. If you have any questions about what biofacts are held in this collection, or if we have biofacts relating to a specific animal, please contact