This habitat is home to our aardvarks which are nocturnal creatures who spend most of their day sleeping.
Aardvark Burrow includes a private off-show birthing area for expectant mothers whilst the outdoor area provides an excellent digging space.
Our Animal Care Team feed our aardvarks termant, which is a specially formulated powder that is made with water and replicates their wild nutrition.
Aardvarks have large, sharp, shovel-shaped claws, four on the fore feet and five on each hind foot, which allows them to be expert diggers, even in hard ground.
Animals in Aardvark Burrow
Orycteropus afer
From: Africa
Status: Least Concern
Quick Fact: The name aardvark means ‘earth pig’. Their burrow can be over 13 metres long with many chambers and entrances!
Find me in: Aardvark Burrow
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