See these cute and colourful animals scurry around and make the beautifully painted houses their home.

Previously our old horse stable, this area was converted in 2022, into an exciting, interactive space for kids to learn all about the adorable guinea pig. The village is complete with houses, picnic benches and even a pub!

While guinea pigs are not related to pigs, they do share similar traits. Their calls sound like pig squeals and they also have a large head, stubby neck and round body just like their large namesakes.

In the year
this area was upgraded
Guinea pigs can produce
poos per day
Guinea pigs are active for
20 hours
per day
Guinea pigs can be
in length

Animals in Guinea Pig Village

Guinea Pig

Cavia porcellus

From: Worldwide

Status: Not Listed

Quick Fact: When guinea pigs are happy they popcorn, which means they jump on the spot like a corn kernel being popped!

Find me in: Guinea Pig Village


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