Iguana Forest is our walkthrough habitat home to our green iguana, yellow-footed tortoise and yellow-margined box turtle.
Green iguanas are big sun lovers and on hot days can often be found outside basking on the floor, especially at lunch time. However, like all iguanas, green iguanas have long toes, ending in long, sharp claws that allow them to grip onto branches.
Yellow-footed tortoises are named after the yellow-orange scales on their front legs. Males can determine the gender of other tortoises by watching for head movements. If no head movement is seen after an encounter, the male assumes the other is a female.

Animals in Iguana Forest
Green Iguana
Iguana iguana
From: South America
Status: Least Concern
Quick Fact: Iguanas can detach their tails if caught by a predator and grow another.
Find me in: Iguana Forest

Yellow-footed Tortoise
Chelonoidis denticulata
From: South America
Status: Vulnerable
Quick Fact: Yellow-footed tortoises are hunted for food in their native countries.
Find me in: Iguana Forest

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