These colourful fish are ornamental varieties of domesticated common carp. These domesticated varieties are not therefore threatened in the wild.
In contrast, the wild common carp are classed as vulnerable. Native populations are slowly declining due to river regulation and hybridisation with domesticated introduced stocks.
This habitat is located within an indoor area where you can also see the extensive filtration system that we have in place to ensuing that the water is kept at the perfect level for our koi carp.
You will also find seating area before heading into the indoor area surrounded by a gentle man-made stream and foliage.

Animals in Koi Niwa
Koi Carp
Cyprinus carpio
From: Worldwide
Status: Least Concern
Quick Fact: The word koi comes from the Japanese simply meaning carp. Fish known as koi in English are referred to more specifically as Nishikigoi in Japanese – meaning ‘brocaded carp’.
Find me in: Koi Niwa

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