Animal Welfare
Due to the high standards of welfare afforded to the animals in our care, they can have an abundance of time which the Animal Care Team come up with inventive ways of filling!
There are many forms of enrichment but the overall aim of Colchester Zoo’s enrichment programme is to provide a mentally and physically enriching environment specific to each species in our care.
How does it work?
All purchased items from our Amazon Enrichment Wishlist are delivered directly to Colchester Zoo and put to good use as exciting enrichment additions for a number of different species throughout the park!
Whether you gift a hammock for our ferrets, balls for our meerkats, toys for our primates or an inflatable deck for our sea lions, any item big or small is greatly appreciated by all those at Colchester Zoo.
If you would like more details on our list and how you can make a purchase please contact us directly by e-mail at admin@colchesterzoo.org with the subject, Amazon Enrichment Wishlist.