Our Chimpanzee Lookout was redeveloped to expand the outside area for the chimpanzees, giving them amazing new heights to reach. We also added high ropes, swing structures and drumming panels which have been designed to stimulate a range of behaviours.
We have a large group of chimpanzees but each individual can be easily identified due to their very different facial features and behavioural characteristics.
Chimpanzee Lookout is also home to our slender-snouted crocodile, who has also had their habitat redeveloped. Our crocodile has a more spacious home with a large pool and heated outdoor area.

Animals in Chimpanzee Lookout
Arboreal Agamid Lizard
Hypsilurus magnus
From: Papua New Guinea
Status: Least Concern
Quick Fact: The teeth of an agamid lizard are located on the outer rim of their mouths, rather than on the inner side of their jaws.
Find me in: Chimpanzee Lookout

Pan troglodytes
From: Africa
Status: Endangered
Quick Fact: Young are completely dependent upon their mother until about 4 years of age, but continue to rely upon her until they reach adulthood.
Find me in: Chimpanzee Lookout

Slender-snouted Crocodile
Mecistops cataphractus
From: Africa
Status: Critically Endangered
Quick Fact: It is the only crocodilian species known to have the ability to climb as high as several metres into the limbs of fallen trees along streams.
Find me in: Chimpanzee Lookout

Spiny Turtle
Heosmys spinosa
From: South-east Asia
Status: Endangered
Quick Fact: The spiny turtle, also known as the ‘cog-wheel turtle’, has a sharp, pointed, spiky-edged carapace, and spiny keel on its shell.
Find me in: Chimpanzee Lookout

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