Located next to Playa Patagonia, our Heart of the Amazon habitat is home to a mixture of primate and fish species you would find in the South American rainforest.
Saki monkeys use cries or twitters to communicate in family groups, but a loud roar serves to warn other animals away from their territory.
Squirrel monkeys are very social animals and typically live in groups of 20-75 individuals. We have had previous breeding success with both primate species in this habitat.

Animals in Heart of the Amazon
Black Tree Monitor
Varanus beccarii
From: Indonesia
Status: Data Deficient
Quick Fact: A black tree monitor’s forked tongue picks up minute particles from the air around them which they use to get information about their surroundings.
Find me in: Heart of the Amazon

Guianan Bearded Saki Monkey
Chiropotes sagulatus
From: South America
Status: Least Concern
Quick Fact: When sleeping, saki monkeys roll themselves up like a cat in the branches.
Find me in: Heart of the Amazon

Red Piranha
Pygocentrus nattereri
From: South America
Status: Not Listed
Quick Fact: Piranhas have a reputation for being ferocious predators, however their frenzied attacks are rare.
Find me in: Heart of the Amazon

Silver Dollar
Metynnis argenteus
From: South America
Status: Least Concern
Quick Fact: Silver dollars are related to piranhas and are indeed often mistaken for their predatory cousins.
Find me in: Heart of the Amazon

Squirrel Monkey
Saimiri sciureus
From: South America
Status: Least Concern
Quick Fact: Squirrel monkeys spend most of their time foraging for fruit as well as insects and other small prey.
Find me in: Heart of the Amazon

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