Our River’s Edge habitat is home to many different species with indoor and outdoor viewing available across a range of different animals, from red panda to green anaconda.
Outdoor habitats include red panda, Asian short-clawed otter, binturong, giant anteater, pileated gibbon and wreathed hornbill.
Our indoor River’s Edge building is home to a variety of species, including emerald tree monitor, green anaconda, lion-tailed macaque, and fish species.

Animals in River’s Edge
Asian Short-clawed Otter
Aonyx cinereus
From: Asia
Status: Vulnerable
Quick Fact: This otter is the smallest out of all 13 species of otter. Unlike other otter species that catch their food with their mouths, the Asian short-clawed otter uses its front paws instead.
Find me in: River’s Edge

Arctictis binturong
From: South and Southeast Asia
Status: Vulnerable
Quick Fact: Binturongs mark their territory by leaving a musky substance that smells like popcorn!
Find me in: River’s Edge

Emerald Tree Monitor
Varanus prasinus
From: New Guinea
Status: Least Concern
Quick Fact: Emerald tree monitors do not lose their tail when threatened as their prehensile tail is vital for their lifestyle.
Find me in: River’s Edge

Giant Anteater
Mymecophaga tridactyla
From: South America
Status: Vulnerable
Quick Fact: Males and females look so alike that females can only be recognised when they are carrying their babies on their backs.
Find me in: River’s Edge

Green Anaconda
Eunectes murinus
From: South America and island of Trinidad
Status: Least Concern
Quick Fact: Green anacondas are he largest snake in the world and are members of the boa family.
Find me in: River’s Edge

Lion-tailed Macaque
Macaca silenus
From: India
Status: Endangered
Quick Fact: Their name is derived from the fluffy end of their tail which is similar to a lion’s tail.
Find me in: River’s Edge

Pileated Gibbon
Hylobates pileatus
From: Cambodia, Laos and south-east Thailand
Status: Endangered
Quick Fact: These gibbons have very long arms with hook-like fingers for swinging through the forest. Thick skin pads are found on their bottoms for prolonged sitting when they are not on the move.
Find me in: River’s Edge

Red Panda
Ailurus fulgens
From: Bhutan, China, India Myanmar and Nepal
Status: Endangered
Quick Fact: Red pandas have flexible ankles which can rotate so they can climb down a tree head-first.
Find me in: River’s Edge

Wreathed Hornbill
Rhyticeros undulates
From: Asia
Status: Vulnerable
Quick Fact: The male of this species has a yellow pouch under its beak and is larger than the female. A female’s pouch is blue, and they have a short beak.
Find me in: River’s Edge

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